The importance of going on, despite the difficulties

The importance of going on, despite the difficulties

Gioi (Vietnam)
Nihon University Graduate School, Science and Engineering Faculty

I started learning Japanese before graduating from University, as I was already thinking of coming to Japan to study. I researched a lot about Japanese language schools. Luckily, the school I attended in Vietnam partners with ARC. At the time, I attended ARC presentation session and learned more about the school. What was particularly interesting to me, since I was planning to do my graduate studies in Japan, was the availability of a Graduate School Preparation Class. That was made me go for ARC. Before deciding, I researched for other schools too, but reviews on ARC classes and teachers were good. Now that I have graduated, I can confirm I did the right choice.

I studied Japanese in Vietnam for about six months before coming to Japan. When I arrived, I could not speak a word and every day life was difficult. I performed poorly in the placement test and, as a result, got placed in class 1, the lowest level. Regretting the test results, I worked very hard in those first three months, studying up to five hours per day on my own at home. Then, at the end of the first school term, I took the jump up test and entered directly to class 3. The ARC studying environment is very comfortable, and teachers are kind. They always helped me with any issue I had at the time.


One year after entering ARC, I passed the N2 level of JLPT, then decided to join the Graduate School Preparation Class. There, I learned about the admission process, how to write a research plan, did admission interview simulations and also took mock lectures.


I am now attending Graduate School, but when I started, I was surprised by how hard lessons were. All my classmates are Japanese and I struggle to keep up with them. Both lessons and the Japanese professors use are difficult, but professors and classmates help me a lot. My research is progressing smoothly.


Every one faces difficulties, but what really matters is to never give up.