“HA” vs “GA”: how to use properly

“HA” vs “GA”: how to use properly

– Vol.3 –

ARC teacher Mimi Sensei will answer your questions regarding Japanese language.



Q:When self-introducing I said “Watashi ga Ain desu”, but the sensei told me “It’s「Watashi HA Ain desu」”.


:It seems there’s much confusion about the difference between the correct use of “ha” and “ga”.
There are several points to explain this difference, but amongst them it’s good to keep in mind the general rule that you have a “new information” after “ha”, while you find the “new information” before “ga”.

 That’s why when you introduce yourself, everyone knows that you are the subject, that what you are talking about is you, so after the “Watashi ha”, comes the new information, which is your name.
If you end up saying “Watashi ga Ain desu”, the meaning shifts and turns out to be “I am that Ain”, as if everyone knows your name, like you were a celebrity, for instance.

If you look at the questions “Nani GA suki desuka”, “Are HA nandesuka”, in the sentences “nani”, which is the new information asked, comes before ga, and after ha.

By the way, how’s your Japanese study going?
If the answer is “Nihongo no benkyou ha tanoshii desu”, I’m so happy to hear that.