Encounters with Japanese Culture

Encounters with Japanese Culture

In this section, we’ll share our students’ compositions.

日本文化との出会い *English follows Japanese.

デン ラクテキ(中国)


 今でも大好きな作品は「家庭教師HITMAN REBORN!」というアニメです。実はこのアニメを見て、私は絵の勉強を始めました。ある時、日本でアニメの声優コンサートがありました。私はライブに行けなかったけど、DVDでライブを見ました。ステージの上でみんなのキラキラしている姿を見て、その雰囲気がとても好きになりました。 







Encounters with Japanese Culture


  I was in elementary school when I first saw a Japanese anime on television. Then in junior high the understanding of anime deepened, and I got interested in Japanese language and the lifestyle of a Japanese high school’s student.

 Even now, I keep loving Japanese animation, and my top favorite title at the moment is “Katekyō Hitman Reborn!”. It is thanks to this anime that I’ve started studying visual arts and design. There was a time when the voice actors and actresses of the anime did a concert in Japan. I couldn’t go to the live but I made sure to buy the DVD of it. On the glittering stage everyone was shining, and just by looking at it I fell in love with that atmosphere. 

 Following that event, I also discovered another product that I would end up loving: the video game “Touken Ranbu”. I loved playing the game, and on the internet, I found a musical based on that videogame. I watched it and was excited and moved at the same time. I even heard that one of the actors of the musical was coming to Shanghai to take part in a public performance. I was so excited by the idea of going to see him, but I was in the middle of the preparations for my upcoming design graduation, I couldn’t find the time to go to the event. I made up my mind that I was going to watch a live in Japan, if I could have the chance.

 These above were the two big reasons that made me come to Japan.
In 2020 it wasn’t possible to go outside that much, so I started looking for interesting contents online. That is when I encountered these Virtual YouTubers (VTuber, pronounced buichūbā in Japanese).

 Now they are my favorite thing. They keep us entertained during the “stay home” time. I added this to my learning goals: now I’m even more motivated to be able to completely understand what they’re saying in the videos.

 And eventually, I came to know that my favorite Virtual YouTubers are holding concerts in Japan as well. Me, that I’ve always wanted to go to a live concert, I was thrilled by that news. Just last month there was the concert for their 3rd anniversary; it was supposed to be a large-scale live concert but due to coronavirus it became an online event. That’s how I participate in the online show.

 I have a small wish now, I wish coronavirus would end soon so that I can experience a live concert in Japan!