Job hunting in Japan is very unique. Many times, it takes a huge amount of time from when international students start job hunting to the time they join a company in Japan. Foreign students face many challenges in finding employment at Japanese companies: due to cultural differences, working conditions, or the difficulty of communicating in Japanese.
ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School helps students introducing jobs that meet their needs: the school has obtained a license for free-charging job placement and, in addition, a national qualified career consultant is a permanent member of the staff in campus to provide full support.
Procedures to work in Japan and ARC Support
Students’ Voice
- Educational background: Bachelor of Arts in Australia
- Major in literature and creative writing
- Period studied at ARC:July 2019 - September 2021
- Japanese profiency level before studying in Japan:N4 level
- Japanese profiency level at the graduation: N2/N1 level
I am incredibly grateful for the support the teachers and other staff at ARC gave to me while I was job-searching as a student. I had countless one-on-one sessions with ARC teachers and staff to research companies, write resumes and practice interviews. I ended up joining a company that was introduced to me by the staff at ARC and I really enjoy working here. The business Japanese and etiquette I learned at ARC I now use every single day. I feel very lucky to have attended ARC which, despite the coronavirus pandemic affecting the job market, allowed me to succeed in my goal of finding a job in Japan.
- Educational background: Bachelor degree in the USA
- Major in Art and Design
- Period studied at ARC:January 2020 - March 2022
- Japanese profiency level before studying in Japan:N5 level
- Japanese profiency level at the graduation: N2 level
The employment support I received at ARC was excellent. ARC provides information about job seminars and companies which are actively looking to hire foreign workers. The ARC staff and teachers were helpful, concerned and professional in every way. The school’s staff offers support in all aspects of finding employment, including frequent consultations for job-seekers, help with preparing and revising resumes, preparation, advice and practice for interviews, as well as follow-up consultations. In my case, staff members even helped me make a demonstration video which was required for one of the companies to which I applied. I am glad to say, I was hired by that company.

- Counseling

- Resume preparation support
In addition, in order to connect directly our passionate international students to Japanese firms in want of outstanding talents, we offer free employment placement, with the official license issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.