Avoid staying too much in your comfort zone

Avoid staying too much in your comfort zone

Guillaume (France)

Q.  When did you decide to come to Japan?

At first, I planned to go to Japan for travel years ago but after meeting Japanese people in America, my mind changed and in 2020/2021, I took the decision to go study in Japan.


Q. Were you worried before coming?

I did not have any worried about going to Japan. Obviously with the COVID no one knew when we could actually enter the country but that day came.


Q.  How long did you study in ARC?

 I started the school in October 2021 but being not able to enter the country, I did the first semester in France online.


Q.  Was there any specific subject you are happy you could study or that especially impressed you?

 Learning a language is the minimum to stay in a different country as well as you can learn the culture of this one. Learning the culture through the language was the most interesting.


Q. What were you doing outside of school time?

Outside of school time, I did either part-time job or manga studies. I went out with friends sometimes.


Q.  What type of accommodation do you live?

 I live now in an apartment but I used to live in a share house that for people that do not speak much of the language is really easy to live in.


Q. Do you think the cost of life in Japan is high?

The cost of life in Tokyo is not that different compared to France but if you find the good life tricks, you can make way less expensive.


Q.  After you arrived in Japan, did you experience any trouble?

 I did not have any kind of problems living in Japan but in my case, I already could speak a bit of Japanese when I arrived.


Q. What are your plans after you graduate from ARC?

Since I am already graduated from ARC, I already started my new school about manga.


Q. Do you have any recommendation for people who are considering the study abroad experience in Japan?

If you really have the will of coming to Japan to live, I recommend as much as you can to understand the culture and respect the rules and manners of Japan.

Avoid staying too much in your comfort zone and do not see Japan as a perfect country.